
Africa 2050 Survey

Africa 2050 Survey

Choiseul Africa presents a ground-breaking survey on the vision and projections of African business leaders for Africa\'s development in 2050. ...
Choiseul Africa Ecobarometer

Choiseul Africa Ecobarometer

Designed by the Institut Choiseul, the Choiseul Africa Ecobarometer is an annual study aiming to give a full account of ...
Financing growth in Africa up until 2013

Financing growth in Africa up until 2013

This study is the result of Institut Choiseul and Havas Paris’ joint work. Intitled « Financing growth in Africa up until ...
Africa, the kay actors of energy

Africa, the kay actors of energy

Institut Choiseul is lauching its first continental study dedicated to the key actors of the energy sector in Africa. It ...
Financing Africa’s growth on the horizon of 2022

Financing Africa’s growth on the horizon of 2022

This study is the result of Institut Choiseul and Havas Paris’ joint work. Intitled « Financing the African growth by the ...
Financing Africa’s growth on the horizon of 2020

Financing Africa’s growth on the horizon of 2020

This study is the result of Institut Choiseul and Havas Worldwide’s joint work. Intitled « Financing the African growth by the ...
Financing African growth 2015-2020

Financing African growth 2015-2020

This study is the result of Institut Choiseul and Havas Worldwide’s joint work. Intitled « Financing African growth 2015-2020: Perception ...