Financing African growth 2015-2020
24 Mars 2015

Financing African growth 2015-2020

This study is the result of Institut Choiseul and Havas Worldwide’s joint work. Intitled « Financing African growth 2015-2020: Perception of International Investors », this first edition focuses on the African growth has been presented during a debate with the presence of :

– Jean-Marie Bockel, Haut-Rhin’s Senator, former Ministre, autor of the parlementiary report « Africa is our futur »

– Olivier Canuel, Director Africa & Middle East of Gras Savoye

– Vincent Le Guennou, Co-founder, Managing Director et co-CEO of Emerging Capital Partners (ECP)

– Jean-Michel Severino, Investors and Partners’s Manager (I&P) and Former Managing Director of the « Agence française de développement » (AFD)